SHUFFLE:The cards get a shuffle at the beginning and after a player's Vingt et Un.
RESHUFFLE:The cards have been round twice, so I will reshuffle
MONEY:|MYour total number of chips is %0.
INITDEAL:I'll deal a card to both of us.
PEEP:To look at your card, press and hold the mouse Select button while the pointer is over the bottom of the card and drag upwards; release this when you've seen the card's value.
STAKE:Bet now: choose the chip for the bet, move the pointer over the chip and press and hold the mouse Select button and drag the chip to the centre between the two cards - and release.
NOSTAKE: You must stake some chips before play can continue.
BET:Continue betting by dragging the chips to the centre OR move the pointer over the next card and press and hold the mouse Select button and drag upwards to see the card's value - and release.
NOBET:You have no chips to bet with, so look at the next card by pressing the Select button when the pointer is over it.
OVERBET:Sorry, you cannot stake more than ten chips.
INITSTAKEA:Your initial stake is %0 chip%1; move some more chips into the centre to buy the next card so that you can keep it concealed OR press the mouse Select button over the next card to 'Twist' it.
INITSTAKEB:Your initial stake is %0 chip%1; choose to 'Stick' now by moving the pointer over any of the dealer's cards and press the mouse Select button.
INITSTAKEC:You've staked all your money! Stick (click Select over the dealer's cards) or twist the next card (move the pointer over it and press the mouse Select button).
INITSTAKED:You've staked all your money! Move the pointer over the dealer's cards and press the mouse Select button to 'stick' or twist the next card on the left by moving the pointer over it and pressing the mouse Select button.
BUYEXTRA:You can buy extra cards for up to %0 chip%1 or 'twist' by pressing Select while the pointer is over the next card.
ONLYTWIST:'Twist' the next card by pressing the mouse Select button when the pointer is over it.
TOTSTAKE:Your total stake is now %0 chip%1
TWIST:One card twisted; you can now only 'twist' another card or 'stick' by moving the pointer over the dealer's cards and pressing the mouse Select button.
FIVE:Well done, you have 5 cards; the dealer can only beat you with two cards making 21 or 5 cards
STICK:You stick. The dealer then turns over its cards and deals others if required.
NOSTICKA:These are the dealer's cards
NOSTICKB:You cannot 'stick' now - you must 'twist' by moving the pointer over the next card and pressing Select OR 'buy' a card by dragging some more chips into the centre and then looking at the card.
PONTOONA:Vingt et Un! but your stake can only be your initial stake of %0 chip%1
PONTOONB:You have Vingt et Un! The dealer can only beat you with one of its own.
BUST:You're 'bust'! That's more than 21!
BTOON:The dealer has Vingt et Un! %1
BFIVE:The dealer has a five card trick! %1
B21:The dealer has a pip total of 21! %1
SAME:and wins even though you have the same.|M
BHI:The dealer has a higher score of %0.
BSAME:The dealer equals your score of %0, but wins all the same!
PAY:|MYou pay %0 chip%1.|MPress the mouse Select button to continue.
BBUST:The dealer goes 'bust'! It has a score more than 21.
PTOON:Vingt et Un wins! Two cards making up 21.
PFIVE:Your five card trick wins!
P21:Your cards made 21 and the best hand.
P20:The dealer cannot beat your 20 points.
P19:Your pip total of 19 wins.
PWIN:The dealer 'pays %0'.
BPAY:|MThe dealer pays your bet and the initial stake: %0 chips!|MPress the mouse Select button to continue.
PLAY5:The dealer has to play against your five cards.
PLAYON:The dealer has to continue with only %0.
BPLAYON:The dealer plays on with %0.
BCHANCE:The dealer takes a chance with %0 and plays on.
BBROKE:You've broken the bank: it's time to end the game.|MPress the mouse Select button.
SKINT:You have no chips left: it's time to say goodbye.|MPress the mouse Select button.